45 Ideas To Use Curtains Around Your Home

ideas to use curtains around your home

Curtains aren’t only for windows, this is a universal thing you can use around the house for various purposes: separating the spaces, hiding the clutter and eye sores away. Here are some ideas to make use of curtains around the house.

Separating The Spaces

Bedrooms With Curtains

You can separate your bedroom from the rest of the open layout with curtains, and this is a cool idea as open layouts are considered uncomfy and non-cozy. The main advantages of curtains in this case is that they can be lightweight to let light in, they separate the spaces well and you will add them easily. Curtains don’t take any space and can be changed to match the interiors. One more idea is an alcove bedroom at the window that can be also covered with curtains to create a cozy nook.

Sheer white curtains are used to cover the window and also to separate the sleeping space from the rest of the layout.

(via housebeautiful).

Sheer white curtains are used to cover the window and also to separate the sleeping space from the rest of the layout. (via housebeautiful).

Zoning can be done not only with neutral or sheer curtains but also with bold-colored ones.

(via apartmenttherapy).

Zoning can be done not only with neutral or sheer curtains but also with bold-colored ones. (via apartmenttherapy).

This space is done with built-in shelves, a bed, and it's dressed up in an elegant way with burnt orange velvet.

This space is done with built-in shelves, a bed, and it's dressed up in an elegant way with burnt orange velvet.

Narrow and sleek spaces are better to separate with curtains, and you may use colored ones for more interest.

Narrow and sleek spaces are better to separate with curtains, and you may use colored ones for more interest.

The open layout is divided with curtains that are sheer and light and let light in.

The open layout is divided with curtains that are sheer and light and let light in.

The alcove bed is dressed up with yellow curtains both inside and on the window.

The alcove bed is dressed up with yellow curtains both inside and on the window.

This mini bedroom is very cozy and folk-like, with stained wood, woven and neutral curtains and a printed blanket.

This mini bedroom is very cozy and folk-like, with stained wood, woven and neutral curtains and a printed blanket.

The neutral open layout features a bedroom that is separated from the rest of the space with a curtain and a large artwork on it.

The neutral open layout features a bedroom that is separated from the rest of the space with a curtain and a large artwork on it.

This alcove bed is placed at an arched window, it features storage and a sheer curtain to hide it.

This alcove bed is placed at an arched window, it features storage and a sheer curtain to hide it.

This bedroom is hidden with curtains, and this is a cozy sleeping zone with no windows and not much light.

This bedroom is hidden with curtains, and this is a cozy sleeping zone with no windows and not much light.

Closets With Curtains

Hiding a closet with curtains is a very popular idea because it’s very easy to do and curtains don’t waste your space. Match the curtains with the decor and colors of the room and hide the clutter away.

This large closet is hidden with sage green curtains that not only cover it but also add color.

(via myscandinavianhome).

This large closet is hidden with sage green curtains that not only cover it but also add color. (via myscandinavianhome).

Though this built-in closet is hidden with curtains, I'd keep it visible as it's extra bold and cool. 

(via design-milk).

Though this built-in closet is hidden with curtains, I'd keep it visible as it's extra bold and cool. (via design-milk).

This closet and mini home office are hidden with thick creamy curtains to keep the bedroom more relaxing and decluttered.

(via danawolterinteriors).

This closet and mini home office are hidden with thick creamy curtains to keep the bedroom more relaxing and decluttered. (via danawolterinteriors).

If you have a large open closet, it may look a bit cluttering, so just cover it with light curtains.

If you have a large open closet, it may look a bit cluttering, so just cover it with light curtains.

This large closet is hidden with curtains, and that allows to use the rest of the space in a different way.

This large closet is hidden with curtains, and that allows to use the rest of the space in a different way.

Here the closet is organized with an arched doorway and black wire shelves inside, and lilac grey curtains hide it.

Here the closet is organized with an arched doorway and black wire shelves inside, and lilac grey curtains hide it.

Hiding a closet with curtains is classics, if you have an open one that you wanna hide.

Hiding a closet with curtains is classics, if you have an open one that you wanna hide.

This large well-organized closet is hidden with neutral curtains that are thick enough to hide all the clutter away.

This large well-organized closet is hidden with neutral curtains that are thick enough to hide all the clutter away.

A closet in the corner is an open one and it's covered with white curtains to hide the clutter away.

A closet in the corner is an open one and it's covered with white curtains to hide the clutter away.

A built-in closet can be hidden with curtains, this is the easiest way to hide it.

A built-in closet can be hidden with curtains, this is the easiest way to hide it.

This small corner closet is done with lilac curtains that hide everything away and add a soft touch of color to the space.

This small corner closet is done with lilac curtains that hide everything away and add a soft touch of color to the space.

The bedroom features an open closet that is hidden with curtains.

The bedroom features an open closet that is hidden with curtains.

If you have a small entryway that you want to hide, add a curtain to cover it.

If you have a small entryway that you want to hide, add a curtain to cover it.

This large closet is hidden with curtains that perfectly match those that are on the window.

This large closet is hidden with curtains that perfectly match those that are on the window.

Laundries With Curtains

A laundry or just a stacked washing machine with a dryer can be hidden with curtains, it’s a nice way to hide this space if it’s located in a niche or somewhere else. It’s a nice way to keep your space sleek and non-cluttered and the access to the laundry will be easy.

This large closet is hidden with curtains that perfectly match those that are on the window.

This large closet is hidden with curtains that perfectly match those that are on the window.

The laundry is hidden with curtains as they are easy to make and don't require any space.

The laundry is hidden with curtains as they are easy to make and don't require any space.

Hiding washing machines and dryers with curtains is a very easy idea that doesn't take any space.

Hiding washing machines and dryers with curtains is a very easy idea that doesn't take any space.

This is a whole laundry hidden with curtains that don't require any space and keep the clutter away.

This is a whole laundry hidden with curtains that don't require any space and keep the clutter away.

Other Spaces

Home offices, craft rooms and other spaces can be also hidden away with some curtains, these are universal to easily cover something you don’t want to see. Doorways can be also done with curtains instead of doors as curtains are lighter and easier and still fulfill the function of separating.

Forget doors and get colored curtains that won't waste your space when you open them.

Forget doors and get colored curtains that won't waste your space when you open them.

This layout is divided in spaces in a creative way: with a gallery wall and a sheer curtain.

This layout is divided in spaces in a creative way: with a gallery wall and a sheer curtain.

If you have an entryway right in the living room, you can hide it with curtains to keep the space decluttered.

If you have an entryway right in the living room, you can hide it with curtains to keep the space decluttered.

Any open shelves that seem to clutter the space and spoil the look, can be covered with curtains.

Any open shelves that seem to clutter the space and spoil the look, can be covered with curtains.

The bold burnt orange home office is hidden with a polka dot curtain to calm down the space.

The bold burnt orange home office is hidden with a polka dot curtain to calm down the space.

A crafting nook or a home office can be also hidden with curtains, here this nook is organized instead of a closet.

A crafting nook or a home office can be also hidden with curtains, here this nook is organized instead of a closet.

Curtains always look more lightweight than doors, and they are easier to install.

Curtains always look more lightweight than doors, and they are easier to install.

Separate the closet or bathroom from your bedroom with a curtain, and it can be not just basic but bold to match the space.

Separate the closet or bathroom from your bedroom with a curtain, and it can be not just basic but bold to match the space.

Adding a curtain to a doorway is more lightweight than a door, and it will separate the spaces very well.

Adding a curtain to a doorway is more lightweight than a door, and it will separate the spaces very well.

If you have a master suite, you can separate the bedroom and bathroom with curtains like here.

If you have a master suite, you can separate the bedroom and bathroom with curtains like here.

Hiding Clutter

Adding curtains to console tables, cabinets and vanities will help you keep the clutter away and will add a charming cottage feel to the space. This is lovely idea if you want a rustic and vintage touch to your home.

This long neutral console table is covered with curtains to make it look more boho-like and less cluttered.

This long neutral console table is covered with curtains to make it look more boho-like and less cluttered.

This console table is accented with a striped curtain to make the space feel more rustic and a bit vintage.

This console table is accented with a striped curtain to make the space feel more rustic and a bit vintage.

Bright curtains covering the cabinets not only hide the clutter away but also add color to the kitchen.

Bright curtains covering the cabinets not only hide the clutter away but also add color to the kitchen.

The rustic storage unit is accented with a romantic lace curtain that not only hides the clutter away but also adds charm.

The rustic storage unit is accented with a romantic lace curtain that not only hides the clutter away but also adds charm.

Open kitchen cabinets can be finished off with curtains if you want to declutter the space visually.

Open kitchen cabinets can be finished off with curtains if you want to declutter the space visually.

Adding curtains to vanities will bring a vintage cottage vibe to the bathroom.

Adding curtains to vanities will bring a vintage cottage vibe to the bathroom.

Adding cutrains to a stained console will instantly make it cottage-like.

Adding cutrains to a stained console will instantly make it cottage-like.