A cubby organizer is a great way to organize all your stuff, and thecasualcraftlete.com presents a cool project to renovate one! You’ll need Minwax 8 oz wood finish red mahogany oil-based interior stain, a staining brush, a hand sander using 120 sandpaper, rags to wipe stain. First, start by cleaning the cubby using a Magic...
Organize your utensils and other kitchen stuff with this cool holder! To make it you’ll need a vintage wood box—7 1/2″ x 12″, a wooden dowel, two pieces of wood to be used as dividers, paint, a paintbrush, copper pipe brackets with 8″ extension, screws, L brackets, a shelf liner. Clean out and paint your...
Feeling tired after a long and hard day? Or maybe lazy at the weekend? Don’t like looking for your remote every time you need it? Then a sofa caddy or holder is right what you need! The easiest way to make a piece is to sew it: make a caddy with several pockets for magazines,...
Utensils and other pieces need organizing, so why not make an easy holder for them? To make one, all you need is a block of wood, a drill and some wood stain. Then drill three holes equal distance apart and stain the whole thing with some wood stain. It would be cute to paint the...
We’ve already told you of some bathroom storage ideas, and here’s one more idea to store the towels – a simple towel organizer. You’ll need whitewood planks, one 10″w and another 8″, hooks, wood glue and nails. Attach the boards at 90 degrees angle using nails and glue. After the glue dried, stain the pieces...
A desk organizer is a necessary thing for every desk – no matter if it’s an office or a home office. You can buy one or make it yourself of different materials. PVC pipes, various containers, boxes, bottles and cylinders are the best idea to change them into a desk organizer. For those who like...
A pinboard helps to organize the space and here you can pin not only some notes but also your favorite photos. So you’ll need cork tiles, painter’s tape, white paint, a paintbrush, a ruler and a pencil. Why cork? Because the same tiles can be rearranged to be a chevron pattern or diagonal stripe. You...
Organization in our life is very important because if you are organized in every detail, you’ll have success everywhere. If you like to sew, your threads also should be OK. Let’s organize them; you’ll need a thin wooden chopping block, wooden dowels from the hardware store, very strong glue like Liquid Nails or 5-min Epoxy...
If your working space is a mess, organize it making a paper and newspaper holder of a piece of wood and plastic. For this craft you’ll need 3 plastic bottles, a piece of wood, 3 can tops, a knife, scissors, a screwdriver, a ruler, an awl and some screws. Cut the top of the bottles,...
Less&More is an Etsy online store that helps to make organizing fun. It sells minimalist solid wood organizers for cosmetic, chopsticks, pencils and other small things. These organizers are very good looking thanks to their modern design and are also eco-friendly. Besides these organizers are also quite practical. They have rounded corners and different amount...