These amazing drawer pulls are inspired by Anthropologie knockoff geode drawer pulls and presented to us by WoodsOfBellTrees. To make them you’ll need geodes, bolts, J-B KwikWeld, a face mask, a disposable spoon, a disposable container and gloves. With gloves and face mask donned, mix up the JB Weld according to directions and apply to...
A rustic and vintage nightstand for $3? Possible! You’ll need old wine boxes, a can of stain and some paintbrushes. All you need to do is to stain the boxes with two coats and let them dry for about three days. If they are sticky, apply a coat of Mod Podge on them and let...
Next time you put a scratch on your bellowed wooden furniture, don’t be sorry about it. Folks from Apartment Therapy found the way to undo the damage and fresh the wooden surface up. The trick work on vintage furniture very well so if you have some old objects, it’s easy to fresh them up. All...