Let’s make a simple and fashionable ombre bracelet – this is fashionable and matches many styles. Such a piece would decorate any your outfit; the supplies are medium weight Chinese knotting cord in three shades of one color, each strand cut to 2 yards, a button with a shank, scissors, some kind of glue to...
Halloween party won’t be cool without spiders, snakes and other scary creatures. Let’s make some pretty jewelry with these spooky insects! The supplies are a wire cutter, bent or straight nosed pliers, 24 or 26 gauge wire or cut head pins, large and small bead combinations, a broach pin or lapel pin blank. Cut one...
A cool necklace may be designed of almost anything – from a paper clip or an acorn to a button. If you have some beautiful buttons or vintage ones, you can create a nice piece that will be a beautiful addition to your outfit. First you need to put the buttons on the cloth looking...
If you have a usual chain bracelet and want to add some color and texture to it – it’s easy to do. You’ll need scissors, an embroidery string, some tape, two jump rings and clasp, a jewelry tool, a bobby pin or large embroidery needle. Take two strings and form a loop. Begin braiding your...
Wanna feel a cool jewelry designer? This idea is for you – you can do an amazing necklace of usual wire. Wire is a great material for crafting – it’s flexible and gives a great choice of variants to make something. The supplies are 4 mm thick silver plated wire with a copper core, a...