Wall art is easy to make of toilet paper rolls. We already showed you that and here is one more way to do it. Even though it’s quite the similar the result is very different. Thanks to some paint and a picture canvas this product of creativity can become a great decoration to any wall...
Wood strips is a perfect material for a cheap art project. The art piece you’ll get would be a great solution for any room where you want to add an earthy and natural touch. The whole idea is quite similar to the idea of decorating walls with natural wood that we shared with you some...
Do you know that simple bookshelves can become great wall decorations of your interior? I’ve thought that’s possible but now I know for sure. I found several cool ideas on StyleItChic that can inpsire anybody to create a creative wall scultpure out of several shelves and decorative items on them. They all features a skull...
Wallappers aren’t very popular wall coverings for bathrooms. In the past they couldn’t to withstand the humidity in the bathroom but nowadays they can. At least special vinyl wallpapers for bathrooms can. You can ask, why to bother? The answer is simple. Any wallpaper is a great enchantment to the decor of any bathroom. We...
If you can make furniture of wood pallets why not to cover the whole wall with boards from these pallets? Of course you need a lot of them but the result will be quite interesting. Besides such project will require a nail gun and a compressor, a miter saw, a saw, and construction adhesive. But...
Circles is the last way to add some dynamic and rhythm to your walls that we want to tell you about. There are less ways to add them to your walls than to add squares but they still deserve some attention. In our opinion, vinyl stickers is the best and the most easy way to...
Decorating walls with squares is an another way to add some dynamic and rhythm to your interior. There are much more easy ways to decorate with squares than with stripes that you can do by yourself. Besides wallpapers, vinyl stickers, and wall panels you can use picture frames, modular wall storage systems and many other...
Using stripes in your interior can help you to add some liveness to it. They add dynamic to any room and can change its visual proportions. There are many ways to add stripes to any wall. Wallpapers and painting are the most easiest ones. Although you can use stickers, shelves, wall panels, fabrics and other...
There are many ways to decorate walls besides standard painting and wallpapers. For example you can cover them with panels, with slices of wood logs, vinyl decals or different art. Here is one more idea for you. You can cover it with natural wood boards. Especially great such boards will look like if they cover...
Decorating a room with wood logs or firewood is a nice way to make it more cozy and comfy. Decorating a wall with slices of wood logs is an interesting way to do that. Besides it isn’t hard to make. Just collect tree branches when Autumn comes. Make sure they aren’t too wet. Cut slices...