If you happen to have a bunch of old light bulbs you can easily give them a new beautiful life. You can make a set of vases or even a hanging garden of them. Of course this process isn’t as easy as it might look like but the result is quite amazing. Besides light bulbs...
A lot of books are printed every year even in the age of e-book readers. A lot of them go to waste and there is no infrastructure that recycle the paper from books because it’s low grade and the glue on the spine must be removed. Lucy Norman of Lula Dot gives old books a...
If you have an old soup crate lying around in your garage or barn then you have a perfect rustic wine rack right under your nose. Maya*made has created such mid-century modern rack almost without spending more than $2 on it. She used these $2 to buy a coffee table on a garage sale. She...
Last month in Milan two designers, Peter Bottazzi and Denish Bonapace, have presented a collection of furniture hybrids that acts as planters. These ironic hybrids are made of parts of old furniture objects that people usually throw away. They’re reprocessed, patched up and transformed before grafted with plants. Even if these interesting creations will be...
Do you know that you can make a stainless steel up-cycled garden fireplace incinerator from an old washing machine? It will work as a patio heater like a charm. To be more specific it will be done from the stainless steel drum from the washing machine. The drum looks well and won’t burn up like...
Do you want to have charming planters at your patio that won’t cost you much? If so you can make them from recycled tyres. You probably can get them for free in a local auto shop. You can use the tyres as is, paint them or make creative planters with cool rims. On Studio G...
Who knew that old drawers can be reused to make a bookcase? Kristine Larsen from Urban Retro has managed to create a retro looking bookcase from 7 drawers. She used glue to connect them with each other and brackets to secure them on a wall. Interior and exterior of all drawers are slightly sanded and...
In case you’re going to throw away some of your old books – don’t do it. You can reuse them so they won’t occupy your shelves anymore. We showed you how you can make shelves from old books but you can also make a floor lamp using them. To be more specific, books will become...
If you have old fence boards lying around you can easily turn them into a cute vintage looking headboard. The good thing there isn’t anything hard in the process of making such headboard yet you can achieve a very cute look and even turn into an artwork for your bedroom. First of all you need...
If you’re decorating for some party or just want to have a lot of flowers and greenery in your interior then you need some containers for them. It’s a good idea to reuse some of your waste to get terribly cute floral containers. You can use virtually any bud vases, square vases, cylinder vases, empty...