Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Last month in Milan two designers, Peter Bottazzi and Denish Bonapace, have presented a collection of furniture hybrids that acts as planters. These ironic hybrids are made of parts of old furniture objects that people usually throw away. They’re reprocessed, patched up and transformed before grafted with plants. Even if these interesting creations will be... 
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DIY Bookcase Made Of Old Drawers

DIY Bookcase Made Of Old Drawers

DIY Bookcase Made Of Old Drawers

Who knew that old drawers can be reused to make a bookcase? Kristine Larsen from Urban Retro has managed to create a retro looking bookcase from 7 drawers. She used glue to connect them with each other and brackets to secure them on a wall. Interior and exterior of all drawers are slightly sanded and... 
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