9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

IKEA VITTSJÖ shelving unit is made from tempered glass and metal, which are durable materials that provide an open, airy feel. It can be enough storage for a limited space or the foundation for a larger storage solution if you need change. Adjustable feet for stability on uneven floors. You can select the look you... 
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Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Crates are ideal for crafts and easy to refashion into some furniture pieces, for example, a bookshelf. To make it you’ll need sand paper, crates and stain. Sand the crates, beat them up, stain and cover with a coat of polyurethane. Screw them together. Enjoy! 
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Industrial Pipe Bookshelves

Industrial Pipe Bookshelves

Industrial Pipe Bookshelves

Etsy is a great source of nice handmade decor items. Here are awesome industrial pipe shelves that I recently found at DirtyBils store. There are three kinds of them all of which balance books using the pipe and the wall. They are great for your bedroom, living room, study or a small space where you... 
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