This is a perfect Easter decoration and gift not only for adults but also for kids. For this simple Easter terrarium you’ll need a small glass vase, preserved moss, moss covered styrofoam rabbits, small fake eggs, dirt and toothpicks. Put some dirt into your vase and the preserved moss. Stick toothpicks into the bottom of...
Probably everybody who have a backyard also have a comfortable place for recreation there. Wood decking is a great thing to make this place good looking and add some warmth to it. Besides it looks natural so fit surroundings very well. There are many kinds of wood decking available on the market nowadays so it...
Everybody want to spend some time outdoors after a cold winter. Warm weather, fresh smell of flowers and other plants and beauty of green trees can be enjoyed even by those who live in cities. Of course not many apartments have terraces but most of them have balconies. If you’re living in an apartment with...