We’ve already spoken about tree stump furniture, and today’s article is dedicated to the same. If you already have a tree stump piece and want to renovate it, this tutorial from delineateyourdwelling.com will help you. This tree stump table was 20 years old, and if you have something like that, you can update it easily...
Bring the rugged outdoors inside with a lumberjack table, a crown cut tree slab with axe handles for legs. This burly wood table showcases the trees natural grain, and the live edge gives it a rustic and unfinished look. The legs are real axe handles seated inside the bottom of the wood slab, further enhancing...
Imagine it’s a warm summer evening, and you’re sitting on your porch swing, lazily sipping on a tasty little beverage. Everything feels perfect, except for one small thing; you feel like your drink could use a sprig of fresh mint. If you don’t want to go anywhere and look for mint, then why not build...
Industrial furniture is amazing, simple and stylish in its simplicity. Let’s make this pipe legs table for any of you spaces! The supplies are four 10×1-inch black iron nipple fittings, eight 8×1-black iron nipple fittings, one 16×1-inch black iron nipple fittings, four 1-inch floor flanges, four wheels to fit 1 inch pipe, six 1-inch black...