Continuing the topic of furniture renovation, I’d like to share this fun tutorial with you. You’ll need a side table, acrylic paint in the favorite colors, a brush, tape, a drill or screwdriver. First, divide round top with a tape in two halves. Then apply your acrylic paint, let dry after each layer. Now paint...
Stumps are a fantastic material for rustic creations! I think that in spring such a piece is actual more than ever. So, what can you make of a stump? The options are endless: planters, vases, candleholders, bedside and coffee tables, stools and so on. Let’s have a look at the stools and coffee tables that...
We’ve just told you about entry doormats, so now let’s talk about the furniture that you want to see in your hallway. First of all, it’s a bench where you can sit to put on your shoes or booties, and maybe store some things. There are many ways to make one, starting from an old...
We’ve just told you of some cool IKEA dressers and sideboard hacks, and today it’s chairs’ turn. A cool idea is to decorate MARIUS stool with some fabric making holes and kind of embroidering the stool. Dressing up a stool, for example, MAMMUT stool, is a fantastic idea for a cold winter in case you...
A usual stool can be easily changed into a very original piece without making much effort. You’ll need a stool, masking tape, acrylic paint, some varnish, a power drill + 1/4 drill bit for wood, wool in 4 different colors, a large-eye needle, some paper and a printer. Tape the pattern to the top of...
Those of you who occasionally make some things of wood probably have a pile of wood scraps lying around. If the pile is quite big already you can make a stylish stool or even several stools of it. That isn’t a hard project but each stool would be unique and looks very interesting. In order...
If you think that that decorating walls with wood slices is cool then you definitely will like a stool decorated with such slices too. Such stool would be a very cozy addition to your home. A white stool or even a chair would be the best base for such project. You need to gather several...
This stool is designed and made by a German design student Hannes Harms. You can easily make similar one from cardboard cutouts using expanding foam. It’ll be unique, oddly shaped, cheap and comfortable. With an easy to do foldable structure, the Scum Chair is can be taken anywhere, unfolded and sealed there with expanding foam...
Do you know that there is an easy way to remind you about a vacation on a pebble beach during winter? It’s home decor accessories mede of felt wool that reminds these pebbles. Here are such stools that not only can become a nice reminder of a warm summer but also are very comfy to...
Monarchy is not simply a stool, it is a rocking stool. It’s designed not to be overturned but at the same time allows the user to escape the dullness of the ultimate stability. The stool rocks sideways, it rocks back and forth, and it swivels. It got this name because its shape reminds a crown....