Valentine’s Day is a popular holiday to show your love to everybody. Both adults and kids celebrate it giving gifts and spending time together. Today I’m gonna share cute decorations and favors at the same time that work all year round – magnets! Of course, making heart magnets is a top idea, you can make...
Gather your old fridge magnets and turn them into a pile of stylish decorations! You’ll need old fridge magnets, sand paper, primer spray paint, chalk paint, a paint brush. First things first, give the magnets a little sand to rough them up. Then spray them with the primer, go lightly with the spray. If you...
Are you a fan of Instagram? If yes, then you’ll love this craft! Prepare wood veneer polaroid frames, E6000 glue, heavy white cardstock, magnets, printed Instagram pictures, a pencil and scissors. Lay your cardstock on your table and place one of your Polaroid frames on top of it. Grab your pencil and trace around your...
Watercolor crafts are extremely popular for home décor, for various events and just everywhere! Let’s follow trends and make these watercolor magnets from The supplies are podgeable shapes, paper Mod Podge, white cardstock, scissors, watercolors, a flat paintbrush, magnets. Start by cutting pieces of cardstock to be about the same size as your acrylic...
I’d like to share a super creative and fun idea to display your photos from TinyRottenPeanuts blog – these are magnetic frames for your fridge or magnetic board. The supplies are white card stock, acrylic paint, a brayer, permanent markers, a craft knife, scotch tape, a printer and small magnets. Roll out your acrylic paint...
We all have a fridge at home and many of us have magnet backboards, especially those who have kids. Photo magnets is an awesome and very modern idea to turn your fridge or board into a real photo gallery! They’ll remind you of your last vacation, a day on the beach or your wedding, or...
These cute emotional magnets are a fun way to get kids to express their ever changing emotions and mood swings! They make a cute toy you can easily pack on the go or hang up on the fridge or magnet board for play. You can also make them for yourselves as they are a fun...
Every fridge is decorated with magnets today! And as it’s Halloween soon, we offer to make some pumpkin magnets, the supplies are decorative paper, Mod Podge, glass rocks, a paint brush, a sharpie, magnets, wire or pipe cleaners, a hot glue gun & glue. Start by cutting or punching out circles that fit the glass...
Everybody has some cool magnets on the fridge, and do you want to make some more magnets in one style? You’ll need air hardening clay, a rolling pin, various stamps, a stamping ink pad, cookie cutters, sandpaper, magnets, a glue gun. Take your air hardening clay and roll it out to about 5 mm thick....
One of the main signs that somebody lives in the house are the magnets on the fridge. But if you want them of one style and not to scratch the surface – let’s make them. You’ll need fabric scraps, round magnets, needle and thread. Cut out a circle that is about 3 times the diameter...