DIY Trivet Of Wine Corks

DIY Trivet Of Wine Corks

DIY Trivet Of Wine Corks

Trivets are must have things on every kitchen. They usually protect your dinning table and countertops from heat damage that skillets and bowls can make. As you know we’re fans of reusing things and here is an idea how you can make your own trivet using wine corks. Of course you should drink a lot... 
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DIY Sofa Table Of Wood Scraps

DIY Sofa Table Of Wood Scraps

DIY Sofa Table Of Wood Scraps

It’s a cool thing when you can recycle old wood into something fabulous. Here is a project that might inspire you to do so. This sofa table is made of free wood pallets and four old balusters. Of course several screws, some paint, sealer and several power tools were also used. For full instructions and... 
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Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Using Recycled Furniture As Planters

Last month in Milan two designers, Peter Bottazzi and Denish Bonapace, have presented a collection of furniture hybrids that acts as planters. These ironic hybrids are made of parts of old furniture objects that people usually throw away. They’re reprocessed, patched up and transformed before grafted with plants. Even if these interesting creations will be... 
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