This adorable pompom rug will make you feel cozy and warm, prepare yarn, pompom maker, scissors, non-skid rug pad. There are several ways to make a pom-pom but a pom-pom maker offers the fastest method. The actual size of the pom-poms will vary based on the thickness of yarn and amount of times the yarn...
I love pompoms because they make any space warmer and softer, that’s why I’ve decided to share some amazing pompom tutorials for those of you who are already preparing for Christmas. Pompoms are perfect and easy for any type of craft: a garland, a wreath, gift wraps and toppers, ornaments and even pillows. Grab a...
The fall is the time of blankets and comfy rugs. Let’s spruce your blanket a little bit! Preapre a fleece blanket, yarn, scisssors, a large yarn needle, a clover pom pm maker. Use sharp fabric scissors to trim large pom poms made with your clover pom pom maker. Tie poms off with at least a...
If you like those colorful felt ball rugs but they can be pricey, you can make one yourself! Here’s an inexpensive and cute little version using pompoms from Prepare pompoms, a rug mat, a hot glue gun. Cut your rug mat to the size you want. Make sure to lay down paper before placing...
Pompom items are super cute and you can use them not only for kids but also for your interiors and as accessories because they add coziness and a comfy feel. Pompoms are great for a garland, a tablecloth, a clothes hanger or a pillow – just attach a pompom trim! Pompom hair ties and hairbands...
Pompom pieces are cool and fun! Let’s make this pompom pillow, the supplies are fabric, scissors, pompom trims, thread and needle. Wash, dry, and iron your fabric. Then, cut your front fabric piece. With front fabric laying down right side up, place pompom trim around each side. Pompoms should face in. Double check yourself: fabric...