We’ve already told you of many IKEA hacks for cat owners, today’s roundup is especially for dog lovers. IKEA Lack table can double as a coffee table and a dog bed at the same time; Faktum kitchen unit can be transformed to accommodate a dog bed also. TJUSIG bench/shoe storage may be turned into a...
This kitty house is a scratcher at the same time! What a great idea! Prepare ½” thick plywood sheets, craft paper for template, a jig saw, a ruler, clamps, wood glue, nails and hammer, paint of choice for house, removable wallpaper, scratching pad insert, balsa wood, an X-Acto knife and cutting mat, metal wire and...
Do you have a pet that loves to snuggle under the covers? If you do, then it needs this cool snuggle bed! Prepare fleece fabric in contrasting colors, tape measure, scissors, pins, a sewing machine, thread in coordinating colors and a pillow insert. As long as you can sew a straight line, this bed is...
Star Wars fans, wanna have some fun? Make an Ewok costume for your dog – no sewing required! Prepare 1/2 yard of brown knit fabric, a short length of twine and scissors. The size of your piece of fabric will be highly dependent on the size of your dog, obviously. Cut out the rectangle of...
Every kitty needs a toy or two, and we’ve already shared some cool DIYs. Today we are sharing one more cool idea from dans-le-townhouse.blogspot.ca, prepare scrap fabric, fusible interfacing, thread, catnip (10-20 grams), a sewing machine, a needle and scissors. Cut out one of the lone cowboys, leaving enough fabric for a half inch seam...
We’ve already done many IKEA hacks but this one is purposed not at your home, it’s for your kitties! Cat furniture is a must when you have more than one fluffy friend, and you don’t have to pay much – you can just make it yourself. The supplies are Ikea LACK Coffee Table, Ikea LACK...
Kitty owners, this article is for you! Every cat needs not only a bed and some toys but also a scratcher to keep your furniture safe. The cheapest and easiest material for such a craft is cardboard, so find some old boxes and shape them into a cool scratcher. Sisal rope is another perfect material...
If you have a cat or cats, a good scratcher is right what you need! But let’s make not a usual but a trendy one – a color blocked scratcher, prepare 18″ round wood circle, 4×4 wooden fence post, a drill and long wood screws, white 4×4″ post cap, white paint, 150 ft of 1/4″...
If your cat needs a hideway and you wanna make it really original, this craft is for you! Prepare a piece of cardboard, about 15″x15″, scissors, an old t-shirt, two wire hangers, tape, pliers, safety pins of various sizes. Take the piece of cardboard and cut it to size if needed. Place tape over the...
We’ve just told you of pretty dog Halloween costumes, and I’d like to share one of them with you in details. This is the cutest and sweetest costume ever – a cupcake one! Prepare 7″ round paper mache box, various colors of felt, cotton batting, natural color scrapbook paper, 3/4″ elastic, scissors, a needle, thread,...