Originally wind chimes appeared in ancient times as a symbol of good fortune and a charm against the evil eye. Today wind chimes are constructed from suspended tubes, rods, bells or other objects and are often made of metal or wood. They are usually hung outside of a building or residence as a visual and...
There’s a month left before spring but still I’m sure that you, utter gardeners, have already prepared seeds. Soon you’ll get cool seedlings and then you’ll plant them in your garden as soon as it gets warmer. The problem is that you might forget where and what you planted but we have an awesome solution...
Remember ice DIYs roundup for your outdoors? Here’s one of ice ideas in details, these easy and pretty ice lanterns will look gorgeous on your door steps. First step, gather some botanical treasures from where you live, try and find different foliage textures, sizes and colorful berries. Next, find some plastic containers of different sizes...
What’s the most original way to decorate your outdoor space that can be realized only in winter? Yeah, it’s ice décor. I think that ice is really beautiful, it’s the real winter spirit and such decorations look just stunning – like an icy fairy-tale! The most popular idea here is to make candle votives of...