Adorable DIY Glittered Mugs For Valentine’s Day And Not Only

Adorable DIY Glittered Mugs For Valentine’s Day And Not Only

Adorable DIY Glittered Mugs For Valentine’s Day And Not Only

Believe me, this gift can melt any heart! To make these glitter mugs you’ll need a glitter tray and rack, patterning tape, heart glitter, mugs, a brush and decoupage. Put tape around the mug, lay your mug on top of the tray and coat a section with decoupage then immediately sprinkle the heart glitter all... 
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10 Easy To Realize Christmas Tableware Ideas

10 Easy To Realize Christmas Tableware Ideas

10 Easy To Realize Christmas Tableware Ideas

Festive Christmas atmosphere is achieved with the help of many factors: décor, meals with your family, crafts together and the Christmas spirit, of course! To make your meal really Christmas-like you’ll need to have every table setting detail festive and joyful. Let’s make some pretty Christmas tableware for your dinner and just for kitchen décor.... 
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Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

The Big Bang Theory is a popular that many of us like to watch because it’s funny, witty and cool. If you want to have something with the symbolics of the favorite series, you may take mugs. You’ll need some mugs of the color you prefer, a sheet of carbon paper, ceramic paint. Take an... 
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