Easy DIY Marquee Ampersand Lights

Easy DIY Marquee Ampersand Lights

Easy DIY Marquee Ampersand Lights

Marquee lights are the hottest décor trend, not only for home but also for event décor like weddings. To make your own ones you’ll need aluminum flashing, a chisel, Christmas lights, a counter sink, a drill + bits, finishing nails, gloves, a hammer, a jigsaw, a rubber mallet, tin snips, wood, a letter shape. Print... 
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Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage marquee lights became quite popular nowadays because it’s a cool piece for interior decoration and highlighting something. The supplies are a strand of globe lights, plywood, a 6-inch wide aluminum flashing, a jigsaw, a drill, tin snips, screws, a wire stripper, electrical tape, a screw cap and protective gloves. Draw the arrow shape on... 
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DIY Headboard With LEDs

DIY Headboard With LEDs

DIY Headboard With LEDs

Mood lights always help to create romantic ambiance in a bedroom. That’s why it’s a good idea to put them into a headboard. You can make it as large as you want and paint to match your decor. The process is quite simple. Build a simple wood frame from 2x4s, and add crossbeams. Drill small... 
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Glowing Growing Units To Decorate Your Kitchen

Glowing Growing Units To Decorate Your Kitchen

Glowing Growing Units To Decorate Your Kitchen

Finland company, Magi&Co, is producing contemporary gardening equipment for farmers in the urban environments. Next year they plan to release MiniMagi growing units made of recycled materials. These units give a possibility to easy grow fresh herbs from seeds thanks to hydroponic system and artificial light they provide. Of course these growing units can be... 
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