Creating a cool, inviting and imaginative ambience for your kid is essential, it will inspire him or her to play and develop. Organizing every area of the kid’s room should be done carefully, and the sleeping zone should be dreamy and maybe themed. As little girls love to feel princesses, today I’d like to share...
Have a daughter or daughters? Turn your girl’s room into a dream if you haven’t done it already! The sleeping area is the focal point of any kids’ room, and the bed should be appropriate, it should inspire your daughter to enjoy sleeping, dreaming, reading and even playing there. How to achieve that? Choosing a...
This cute baby nest is so adorable for your kid to tuck in! You’ll need: 1 m fabric (you may use two different fabrics like here), string, edging 2m, padding. Start by cutting out the fabric as outlined below. If you use two different fabrics, you will need some of each. Sew the fabric right...
Does you little princess feel not really princess enough? Then make a canopy for her bed to highlight that she’s the cutest and the most girlish! Choose some sheer curtains or just tulle and find a big embroidery hoop; sew and arrange the curtains as you like and attach them to the hoop; there are...
When your kid is small, he or she always wants and looks for something bold and original. Today I’d like to share awesome DIYs for your sons – these are super original kids’ beds that your kids will definitely love! Boys love cars of any kind, so design a themed room and add a cool...
A bunk bed is a type of bed in which one bed frame is stacked on top of another, and I can’t imagine a better piece for a shared kids’ room. Bunk beds are normally supported by four poles or pillars, one at each corner of the bed. A ladder is used to get to...
IKEA Kura bed is a cool piece for kids’ rooms, it’s a bunk bed ideal for shared rooms, recommended for the kids of 6 years and older. Its simple design gives freedom for your creativity, so it’s time to hack it! Kura can be decorated, hacked and turned in almost anything: a firetruck, a castle,...
Nowadays, you can find a lot of different furniture and decor elements for a kids room on the market. Among the coolest items are car-shaped beds. They are perfect for little boys who dream to become a racer, a policeman, a firefighter or even to join an army. Although there are also awesome car beds...