Any family owns lots of shoes, especially if there are several girls, so shoes can just make your entryway or closet chaotic. To avoid it, use smart shoe organization ideas and hack a couple of IKEA pieces to store them comfortably. For example, IKEA Expedit bookcase can become a real shoe wall in your closet;...
These votives will look amazing in the sunshine! You’ll need alcohol ink, glass votive/tea light holders, a can of compressed air, battery-operated tea light candles, a cardboard box for painting in and a pair of gloves. Stick some paper toweling inside of the jars before you start painting to keep the ink from running inside...
These bookmarks can be easily made by your kids, so invite them to craft together! You’ll need beading cord, assorted large beads of your choice, small beads or crimping beads. Beads on both sides of the cord and the string in the middle to hold your page. The beads on both sides of the string...
Do you have a pet that loves to snuggle under the covers? If you do, then it needs this cool snuggle bed! Prepare fleece fabric in contrasting colors, tape measure, scissors, pins, a sewing machine, thread in coordinating colors and a pillow insert. As long as you can sew a straight line, this bed is...
These mason jars will be amazing for St.Patricks’ Day décor! After giving your jars two coats of acrylic craft paint in Americana Kelly Green and Snow Titanium White (dry overnight between coats for best results) and let dry for 24 hours, distress with 80 grit sandpaper. Using a paint brush, add a dot of paint...
This awesome console table is great for any entryway! Start by building the bases for each of the three shelves. You will use the 1″ x 3″ boards for the bases. The middle and bottom shelf will be the same build. Build two rectangles using two 1″x3″x10.5″ boards & two 1″x48″ boards. Glue every where...
You might be surprised to learn how easy it is to convert an average wall into the focal point of your room. This simple guide will help you add visual appeal to one of your walls by covering it with wood planks. Prepare a stud finder, 1 x 6 x 12 tongue and groove planks...
During the whole week we’ve been sharing cool IKEA hacks for various rooms, and today I’d like to have a look at home offices. A basic unit in every home office is a desk, and here IKEA just strikes with a ton of cool items that can be hacked: desks, tables, credenzas, shelves and even...
This is not a typical organizer or memo board that you got used to. This is an absolutely new and cool idea for those who want something more eye-catching yet subtle and elegant. The supplies are glass from an old frame, washi tape, an erasable pen for writing on glass. Take your glass, clean it. Tape...
Leather pulls can accentuate any furniture piece, even the simplest one. Let’s make some of them, you’ll need leather, pliers, hex bolts, leather dye. If you do chose a strip of leather you can cut it to size using a utility knife and make a hole using a drill. To remove snaps, pull on the...