The vacation season is very close, and some of us have already started it. Prep your passport and suitcases for travelling: make awesome passport holders and luggage tags. We all know how tiring it is to find your luggage after landing, and cool tags will help you to find it faster. Leather, washi tape, paper,...
Potholders are a must for every kitchen, and they are a great gift for any girl, especially for Mother’s Day. You can easily make a couple of potholders applying your skills and materials you have. The most common way to make a potholder is to sew one of some thick fabric – take any shape,...
Black and white have always been a perfectly stylish combo for any case and thought they are non-typical for Easter – why not risk and be original? Rocking these two colors is super easy: take some chalkboard paint and cover the boiled eggs with it, then you can chalk any words, wishes or pics on...
How can you dye eggs to get these gorgeous blue shades? TwineAndTable blog shared a wonderful idea! Prepare hard-boiled eggs, 4 cups red cabbage, 2 tbsp vinegar. Shred or chop red cabbage. Place 4 cups of cabbage into a large pot with 1 quart of water and 2 tbsp white vinegar. Bring to a boil,...
This bobby pin jar is a must for every girl, and you can store all those pretty little accessories there. To make one you’ll need oven bake clay, craft paint – 2 contrasting colors, a plastic knife, felt scrap. Roll out a circle of clay that is 2 inches in diameter and 1/4″ thick. Roll out...
These amazing drawer pulls are inspired by Anthropologie knockoff geode drawer pulls and presented to us by WoodsOfBellTrees. To make them you’ll need geodes, bolts, J-B KwikWeld, a face mask, a disposable spoon, a disposable container and gloves. With gloves and face mask donned, mix up the JB Weld according to directions and apply to...
Easter is coming, and all that mess about decorating eggs is about to begin. There are lots and lots of ways to create super original eggs – edible and not – but dying is perhaps the easiest and the most popular way to decorate them. If you prefer natural colors and prefer natural dyers, then...
Need a creative mouse pad? Here’s an idea from ModPodgeRocksBlog! The supplies are round cork, scrapbook paper, Mod Podge, ribbon, paint, a foam brush, scissors, a pencil. Trace out shape of cork and now it’s time to add your fancy scrapbook paper. Cover the top part of the cork and the back of the scrapbook...
Wanna some chic glasses with an art deco touch? Paintthegownred blog shared a fantastic idea how to do this. The supplies are Silhouette Cameo, black adhesive backed vinyl, gold adhesive backed vinyl, glasses, a black template, a gold template. Download black and gold templates. Upload templates to Silhouette Cameo. Re-size accordingly to fit your glasses....
Remember that cool T-shirt mat that we’ve told you about? Today we are sharing a similar idea thanks to the wonderforest blog. The supplies are a variety of jersey t-shirts and/or tank tops, scissors and a rotary cutter. Cut your t-shirts into 1.5″ strips along the width of the body. This goes much quicker if...