Sometimes textiles can really change the space and help you make an atmosphere – i’m talking about curtains, rugs, bedspreads and pillows. Today i’m going to inspire you for some easy crafting – sew or no sew pillows for Christmas. First of all, choose an idea to realize: an image or letters. As for an...
This cute beer caddy will be perfect for any time but especially for Christmas – you leave messages to your friends on them! Prepare 1 3/4 dowel rod, 1 3 ft long 1×8, 2 small pieces of plywood or craft wood, each 4″x10″, 1 4″x8″ piece of thin plywood, wood stain and chalkboard paint. First,...
This fantastic rustic birch placemat will be perfect for any type of family dinner, including Christmas. Prepare birch wrapping paper, some leftover felt, scissors, and a hot glue gun. Speaking about felt, here it was a 14.5″x18″ rectangle but you can go for any size you like. Glue the felt to the backside of the...
This project is dedicated to filling the plain walls, and it’s the best way for those who love painting. After you find a landscape photo you’d like to paint, follow these steps. Don’t worry about painting it perfectly, the less neatly you paint the better it will look! Paint the sky a light color (add...
This wooden wall hanging is a nice idea to fill a plain wall. Prepare 34 large wood craft sticks, craft paint in a couple of colours, wool felt approximately ” x “, wooden dowel, string, hot glue, a utility knife. Paint a few craft sticks in the colours you have chosen. Use an utility knife...
Owls are so cute! These wise birds are in trend because they are nice and kind. Make a couple of cute owls for your kids and look at their happy faces! Of course, the first idea that comes to mind is an owl toy from plush or felt. If you have a baby, then a...
Cranberries are traditional for Christmas, and we often include them into the festive menu, so why not use fresh berries for decor, too? Cranberries can be easily incorporated into any kind of decor: garlands, wreaths, small wreaths for place cards, cneterpieces and ornaments, and foodie decor has alwasy been in trend. Making little garlands is...
Need an art piece for a plain wall? Here it is! The supplies are white paper, blue acrylic paint, water in a metallic bowl, black paper, string, a branch and washi tape. Put a little of the acrylic paint into the water bowl and stir well. Cut triangles out of the white paper and dip...
Thanksgiving is approaching and it you’ve already invited some guests and are preparing for the party, this tutorial may be useful. A placemat is a cool way to accentuate every place, polish the setting and even leave a message. Make a couple of cool placemats that correspond your decor style – modern, glam, traditional or...
Got an old ladder? Don’t throw it away, it’s a perfect storage piece! Just sand it a bit, paint or spray paint or decorate in another way and use depending on its size. First of all, a ladder is a space-saving piece for hanging any types of textiles – from blankets to towels in your...