DIY Mother’s Day Decoration

DIY Mother’s Day Decoration

DIY Mother’s Day Decoration

How to make a nice decoration or gift for Mother’s Day? Frog Lids help hold flowers in place so that you can arrange them how you want. The little openings in the wire help the flowers to stand up and make your bouquets look fabulous. You’ll need: 1/2″ square Galvanized Hardware Cloth Mesh, jar rings, wire... 
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DIY Bag Paper Easter Basket

DIY Bag Paper Easter Basket

DIY Bag Paper Easter Basket

Getting ready for Easter? Looking for an original but not difficult in making basket? Why not make such a piece of grocery bags? The supplies are paper bags, scissors, a ruler and a pencil, hot glu gun and clothes pins. Cut the bags into strips, fold each strips into thirds, weave the strips, hot glue... 
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How To Make Cascarones For Easter Celebration

How To Make Cascarones For Easter Celebration

How To Make Cascarones For Easter Celebration

Cascarones or confetti eggs are festive, hollowed-out chicken eggs filled with confetti or small toys. They are rumored to have originated in China and brought to Europe by Marco Polo. You’ll need some eggshells, Easter egg color kit, vinegar, scissors, tissue paper, cut into small squares, glue, paper confetti or hole punched construction paper. Gently... 
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DIY Easter Fabric Basket

DIY Easter Fabric Basket

DIY Easter Fabric Basket

Easter is coming soon and we are already getting ready for this cute holiday. DIY decorations make it even even nicer. Let’s make a DIY basket for eggs. You’ll need 1 honey bun of your choice (featured is “Swanky” but another cute softer option would be aviary by 3 sisters), 1 package of piping (6yards),... 
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