Summer is high time to take our bike and enjoy the wonderful views of nature on it. If you broke your bike light, here’s a solution – DIY bike light. The materials are 1 small jar with a plastic lid, 1 ultra-bright white LED, 2 small eye bolts, 4 nuts that fit the eye bolt...
Flowers everywhere! But they soon fade, let’s make flower decorations that would never fade. You’ll need tulip template PDF, scissors and a small punch, bamboo skewer, hot glue gun, a small pot. Trim pieces and skewer, slide circle onto skewer, curl the petals on 4 sides to create cup shape, while the darker petals should...
There are so many ways to display your photos! We have already told you of memory books, photo pendants and photo tiles. Here’s one more idea, amazingly natural and stylish. You’ll need florist wire, felt, photos and rocks – it’s better if rocks would be of the same color and size. Take the florist wire...
Father’s Day is coming! Despite of the presents we’ve told you about you can make these containers for pins and other stuff and make the word Dad of them. You’ll need a rolling pin, palette knife, straight edge, alphabet cookie cutters, air-drying clay. Make the base of the clay and cut strips and then press...
If your Dad uses an iPhone or iPod, make a cool gift for him – a holder. You’ll need a piece of felt accordingly to the size of the device, a leather strap snap button, a thread and preferably a sewing machine. Sew two straight lines down the length of the piece felt. Now sew...
A nice gift for the Father’s Day may be a memory book – simple, easy in crafting and very pleasant for any Dad. To make one such book, you’ll need to gather 3 pieces of white card stock paper, 1 piece of colored paper for the cover 2 colorful rubber bands, a hole punch, 10...
How to make a creative necklace in just some minutes? You can make it of leather or even of pencil pieces but the simplest way is to take some threads and spools. You’ll need medium-sized wooden spools, embroidery floss, chain, metal jump ring, Elmer’s glue. Take some colorful bright thread and wrap around the spool...
Here’s one more amazing idea of how to decorate your house for a summer party. Make diy cream cones that you can hang everywhere! An ideal variant for a summer Birthday party. You’ll need 2 1/2″ styrofoam balls, 1 1/2 yards of lightweight cotton fabric, a sewing machine or needle and thread, hot glue gun...
Summer is party time! Make some original cups for a cool party atmosphere – it’s easy and won’t take much time or effort. For the project you’ll need pipe cleaners, blank paper cups, a hot glue gun, a pencil. Think of the shapes you like and bend the paper cleaners accordingly – for example, make...
Creating a spring or summer décor is simple – just use something green – plants, flowers or create pieces like these for decoration – pea and moss balls. The supplies are: Mod Podge in matte, green acrylic paint, one package of six smooth foam balls, a bag of green moss, and a bag of dried...