If you want a new mouse pad and don’t know what materials to use, try this. You will need a corkboard, an X-acto knife, some acrylic paint. Draw two over-lapping circles, for this you may use a lid of a microwave bowl. Mix acrylic paint and apply several coats of paint with the pattern as...
If you don’t like your kitchen windows and want to design them somehow, here’s a cool idea. Garlands and applications on these windows would look cool. You’ll need some paper, tableware images, scissors and some glue and a strip to hang your garland. First, measure the windows, then cut the contact paper to size. Now...
If you love to have meals outdoor in summer, you definitely found out one of the main disadvantages – it’s wind. The wind every moment tries to take your paper tableware and tablecloth away! Here’s an idea for you – tablecloth weights. You’ll need p some pebbles, you may take them from the beach or...
Everything connected with nature is fashionable and just cool. We have already told you about some coasters made of wood, and here’s one more idea. You’ll need straight branches that are no smaller than 3.5” in diameter, a hand saw, sandpaper, clear varnish. Using the saw cut sections of branches not less than ½” thick....
Girls like cute small details and accessories like earrings organizers, jewelry organizers or a personalized hanger. How can you do that? For example, decorate them with paint, adhesive, fringe, pompoms or other decorations. Here’s one more idea how to do that. Paint some patterns, or just stick some flowers on the hanger, apply some layers...
Making beautiful accents and bright accessories is simple! A cool side table, felt stools or some smaller accessories. To highlight colors of your interior you can make hemp ball accents. You’ll need some rattan balls and some spray paint of the colors you need. Put your balls on the bottom of a shoe box and...
Back to retro! Beatles pillows are a stylish detail for any interior, colorful bright accent with a definite style of one of the most famous groups in the world. The supplies are four pillows, print out of stencil, a pencil, an exacto knife, tape, acrylic paint or fabric paint, paint brushes. Size the picture to...
If you are getting ready for one of the most important events in your life – for the wedding, here’s a very original DIY idea for this day – DIY wooden ring bearer box. The supplies are an unfinished wooden box with divider, muslin fabric, interior wood stain and a brush and a paint pen....
A quick and simple idea for any space, especially for kitchen is a ribbon curtain. Choose the colors you need and buy some ribbons in the matching color scheme. You’ll also need decorative clip-on butterflies or similar, length of thin dowelling, 2 cup hooks. It’s a simple no-sew curtain because all you need is to...
The Independence Day is coming! We are already getting ready for the parties and fireworks! A nice idea is the 4th July napkin rings in the shape of stars. For the craft you’ll need a colored ribbon, blue and white styrofoam sheets, colored buttons, a hot glue gun, pencils, scissors and a star cookie cutter...