DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

If you have a pouch (and I think that every girl does), the zipper pull is probably not so comfy in using. You can improve it using a wire cutter, 6mm split rings, arrested beads, head pins, round nose jewelry pliers. Take a head pin and arrange your beads. Leave approximately 1cm (1/2″) of wire... 
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DIY Wire Heart Ring

DIY Wire Heart Ring

DIY Wire Heart Ring

Wire rings are awesome, comfortable to wear and easy to make. To make a wire heart ring you’ll need 20 gauge wire, pliers, wire clippers, a lip stick or lip gloss around the same size as your fingers. Cut 2 pieces of wire: one piece about 1 inch, and another piece about 1.5 -2 inches.... 
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7 Simple DIY Laundry Bags

7 Simple DIY Laundry Bags

7 Simple DIY Laundry Bags

A laundry bag or a basket is a necessary thing in every home and if you are good at sewing or crocheting, you should look at these laundry bags we’ve gathered for you. The ideal variant is to take some water-resistant material for a bag – this way the clothes won’t be spoilt. Actually, any... 
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Rustic DIY Coffee Cup Holder

Rustic DIY Coffee Cup Holder

Rustic DIY Coffee Cup Holder

Let’s make this coffee cup holder – cool and rustic and suitable for any kitchen! The supplies are dowels in various sizes, white spray paint, gold paint, a sponge brush, Elmer’s Glue-All, three 1 ¼” white cup hooks, 2 small screw eyes, safety glasses, a drill and a compound miter saw. Cut dowels in varying... 
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