Cool DIY Stained Wooden Tray

Cool DIY Stained Wooden Tray

Cool DIY Stained Wooden Tray

A tray is indispensable when you need to wake up your love or kid taking food and some flowers right to the bed! To make this beautiful rustic tray you’ll need Minwax stain, Minwax polyurethane, two 5/16 u-bolts, one – 1″x15″x15″ pine round wood. Before any of the drilling begins, stain the round wood piece... 
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Cool DIY Faux Geode Studs

Cool DIY Faux Geode Studs

Cool DIY Faux Geode Studs

Wanna a pair of cool and stylish studs? Prepare FIMO clay, glass glitter, flare caps, E-600 glue, earring posts and backs. Start by massaging your FIMO clay slightly to soften it up. We want it to adhere to as much of the glitter as possible, so don’t skip this step. Once that’s done, place a... 
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Easy DIY No Sew Vinyl Clutch

Easy DIY No Sew Vinyl Clutch

Easy DIY No Sew Vinyl Clutch

Don’t like sewing? Need a cool accessory? This tutorial is for you! To make this no sew clutch take vinyl, lining fabric, ribbon, scissors, hot glue & hot glue gun, magnetic purse clasp, pliers, a pencil, measuring tape and a button. First, lay your vinyl right side down. Fold your vinyl into thirds & you’ll... 
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