DIY Halloween Mummy Lanterns

DIY Halloween Mummy Lanterns

DIY Halloween Mummy Lanterns

These simply mummy lanterns are perfect decorations for Halloween. You can make them with only a few crafting supplies so don’t hesitate to try the project out. You’ll need small balloons, plaster cloth, cooking spray, small LED tealights, a pin and scissors. Instructions Blow up several balloons and cover them with a thing coating of... 
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DIY Pumpkin Candles

DIY Pumpkin Candles

DIY Pumpkin Candles

Pottery Barn’s pumpkin candles are quite nice but you can make similar ones cheaper. You just need a bunch of small pumpkins, a bunch of tea lights and a small knife. As you’ve probably already understood you simply need make a hole in each pumpkin and put tea lights in all these holes. 
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10 Elegant Halloween Decorating Ideas

10 Elegant Halloween Decorating Ideas

10 Elegant Halloween Decorating Ideas

Halloween decorations could be separated on several different styles. It depends only on your taste to chose the one that would suit your home and your family best. Here are some ideas for decorating your home indoors and outdoors in elegant style. It characterized by orange, yellow and different hues of beige. Pumpkins, flowers and... 
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DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

DIY Glowing Milk Jug Ghosts

These ghostly homemade lanterns is a nice alternative to lanterns made of jars. They are more easy to do but also look incredibly cute. That projects could be become a fun activity as for kids as for their parents. Materials: Clean plastic gallon milk jugs Black permanent marker Craft knife Holiday lights Instructions: Draw ghost... 
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