Halloween isn’t soon but preparing beforehand will make your party super cool! A cool mummy pillow from Pottery Barn inspired the author of the tutorial to make it himself. You’ll need 1 white pillow insert, 1 roll of toilet paper or white first aid kit bandages, 1 piece of white printer or construction paper, scissors,...
Not only you and your kids needs a costume for Halloween – so do your pets! Pets in costumes will make your party funnier and will add to the atmosphere. Today we’ll make a funny bat costume for your cat. Yyou’ll need felt, chalk, needle and thread, scissors, Velcro and measure tape. Draw a template...
One more cool DIY pumpkin for Halloween to your list! You’ll need DIY String Art Kit, 3 ounces of sequins, colorful baker’s twine, black tinsel twine, black mini glitter brads. Start marking a center point on the pumpkin and drawing six small dots radiating outward from that point in 8 different directions. Use some small...
Wanna trick somebody on Halloween? Or looking for an original idea for a kids’ Halloween party? These trick or treat stones are perfect! You’ll need 1 cup flour, 1 cup dried coffee grounds, 1/2 cup salt, 1/4 cup sand, 3/4 cup water, glitter, Mod Podge, 1 styrofoam brush, candies, 1 can acrylic spray. In a...
We need more and more original pumpkins for this fall! We’ve already told you of chalkboard ones, burlap ones, marbelized and rolled book paper ones. Today we’ll make a diorama pumpkin! The supplies are a plastic pumpkin, an X-acto knife, a pencil, moss and woodland creatures. Sketch a triangular shape with a pencil and outline...
Let’s make some elegant Halloween postcards in case you want to send something spooky to somebody. You’ll need white cardstock, colored or patterned paper, a ruler, a pencil, a glue stick, a gold leaf pen, a soft, dry paintbrush. Use the glue stick to glue a sheet of cardstock onto the colored paper. Smooth the...
Looking for some cool pumpkin décor without carving? Here it is! You’ll need paint, masking tape, gold thumb tacks and a paint brush. To re-create the striped pumpkin simply tape off the parts you don’t want painted and paint to your hearts content. Paint a few coats, tear off the tape and then when everything...
Terrariums are very popular today, and they are used for decorating everywhere: in homes, at weddings and other important events, just everywhere! Why not make some pretty terrariums for Halloween? Take some air plants and faux ravens to create a stylish classical terrarium for elegant décor. Find plastic small coffins, skeletons, spiders and skulls and...
Love chalkboard pieces! Do you like them as I do? If you do, then you’ll be excited to make this chalkboard word find pumpkin. The supplies are a faux pumpkin, chalkboard paint, stickers and chalk. Paint the pumpkin with chalkboard paint. Then prime the chalkboard paint with chalk. Draw circular lines on the pumpkin with...
Black and white is a classical color scheme for clothes, events and interiors. If you’ve decided to organize a black and white Halloween party, here are some crafts for you! Take some pretty pumpkins and paint them with black or white paint, use black spiderwebs for décor. Spooky black and white wreaths or canvas frames...