This puff seat cushion will be a perfect addition to eel comfy on any chair. Prepare medium weight yarn, a size G hook, a darning needle, polyfil (or other stuffing). Go to the source to get the pattern for simple hexagons and make 38 of them (for a total of 19 hexie puffs). Once you...
Like big photos? Make an easy hanger! The supplies are 14″ long wood strips that are 1 1/2″ wide by 1/2″ thick (x4), 3/4″ wood screws or nails, small eye screws (x2), wood stain and rags, leather cord, Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer. First you’ll want to print your photo. To get the most out...
This fun pineapple mirror will remind you of summer, to make it you’ll need pine oval plaque-9″ x 12″ x .63″, an oval glass mirror w/scalloped edge 8″ x 10″, 3/8″ x 2′ type L, hard length copper pipe, a pipe cutter, super glue, copper metallic paint, a foam brush, a pen, a power drill,...
These votives will look amazing in the sunshine! You’ll need alcohol ink, glass votive/tea light holders, a can of compressed air, battery-operated tea light candles, a cardboard box for painting in and a pair of gloves. Stick some paper toweling inside of the jars before you start painting to keep the ink from running inside...
During the whole week we’ve been sharing cool IKEA hacks for various rooms, and today I’d like to have a look at home offices. A basic unit in every home office is a desk, and here IKEA just strikes with a ton of cool items that can be hacked: desks, tables, credenzas, shelves and even...
We’ve already told you of many IKEA hacks for kids’ rooms and nurseries: play kitchens, kids stools, beds and so on and today I’d like to roundup some other projects that were not included into previous ones. Take IKEA table and chairs and hack them to fit your kids’ room: add some patterns to the...
This adorable pompom rug will make you feel cozy and warm, prepare yarn, pompom maker, scissors, non-skid rug pad. There are several ways to make a pom-pom but a pom-pom maker offers the fastest method. The actual size of the pom-poms will vary based on the thickness of yarn and amount of times the yarn...
It’s winter, and in some place it’s in the full swing, so a couple of s’mores is right what we need. Make some marshmallow roasting sticks for your s’mores! You’ll need found driftwood, metal skewers, leather cord, glue, wire cutters, a drill. Cut the handle off the skewer with wire cutters. Drill a hole (1-2...
If you are planning to spend Valentine’s Day with your besties and have an awesome Galentine party, you may need some cool gifts for the girls. This roundup will help you because here we have some cool girlish DIYs gathered, all of them are easy and perfect for Valentine’s Day. If you are planning a...
Pegboard letters are no less functional than usual pegboards but they also inspire you and become a cool decoration. To make such letters you’ll need pegboard letters, 1/2″ thick plywood long enough for your desired word, #8 1 1/4″ screws, 1/2″ nylon spacers, #8 flat washers, a drill, a pencil, white pegboard hooks, tools for...