Is your fridge old? Or does it look boring in your opinion? We’ve rounded up several amazing ideas to renovate it. The easiest way to give your fridge a new look is to paint it some eye-catching color like mint, blue, red or yellow. Another idea, which isn’t much more difficult, is making patterns on...
Everything should be clean in your kitchen, today we’ll have a look into your refrigerator. Is it clean and does it smell good? If you are afraid to open the fridge door, lest the stench of old greens, leftovers and who knows what else permeate the rest of the house? A clean fridge is a...
David Stark Design is a book that covers many ideas of decorating different surfaces and walls with Post-it notes. The cool thing about such decorations that you can change the decor of your home temporarily without any damage or clean-up. The good place to start with such decorations is a fridge. If you want to...
Every kitchen in any home features a fridge. That’s must have appliance but usually they are quite similar and ugly. Although there are as built-in as non built-in fridges that have elegant designs. For example, there are built-in fridges that remind traditional wood furniture that could emphasize the prestige of the owner. Besides, there are...