This is a really quick and easy project that will help give some personality to your front porch or foyer. Not only is it fun, it’s practical and affordable as well. The supplies are a plain doormat, Folk Art Outdoor Acrylic Paint, card stock, pencil, something to cut the pattern with, and tape, a chip...
Need a good and durable doormat? Here’s a great idea from! Prepare 16 feet of 1″ x 2″ lumber, a handsaw, sandpaper, a drill with 1/4″ bit, wood stain, a printer, scissors, painter’s tape, acrylic paint, brushes, wood varnish, synthetic rope, a lighter or silicone glue. First, cut your wood into a total of...
A doormat is a necessary thing for every home, and today we’ll turn a couple of your old t-shirts into one. The supplies a flat doormat, 5-8 old t-shirts, scissors, hot glue and hot glue gun. Starting from the bottom hem, cut your t-shirts into 2 inch strips. Then cut each one of these strips...
“Ciao,” the friendly word for both “hello” and “goodbye” in Italian, makes it the perfect word to greet guests as they come and go from your home. Constructed of heavy duty, indoor/outdoor grade materials this rope mat can be made in an afternoon and adds a hint of quirky international flair to any abode. You’ll...
A heart floor mat is suitable not only for Valentine’s Day but also for any other, so to make it you’ll need a black floor mat, white spray paint, freezer paper, X-acto knife, iron, plastic bags and tape. Draw out a design you would like to have and with an x-acto knife, cut out the...
Geometric patterns are so popular and cool! To make a geo door mat you’ll need a mat, spray paint, masking tape, scrap paper. Flip the mat upside down and tape off the shape you want to cut. Cut away four triangles – two small 4.5″ tall and 4.5″ wide and two large – 9.5″ tall...
How can you make a cool patterned doormat of a usual rug in 15 minutes? Very easy! You’ll need a simple doormat, some colors of paint, circular sponges of various sizes. Mix the colors on the plates and with the help of sponges make polka dot patterns on the rug pressing them to the doormat....
A mat can be made of any materials, even of wood. But of rocks? Yes, it can! You’ll need many river rocks, the best way is to take similar flat and thin rocks, they should match their thickness; a doormat, some glue and an exacto knife. First make the shape of the mat you like,...
Welcome your guests with a rainbow mat! You can make it easily and without many expenses. You’ll need boards, a drill, sandpaper and some more instruments. Sand the faces and edges of each board with 120-grit sandpaper followed by 180-grit sandpaper. Then cut the boards into 9″-long pieces and sand the ends smooth. To paint...
If you want to spice up the space near by your front door you can put a colorful entry mat there. If you can’t find the mat in your favorite colors then you should make it. All you need is a natural fiber mat, painter’s tape, and spray paint. The process is simply. Find a...