Nurseries and just kids’ rooms are a special place in every home because even if the interior of your home is strictly minimalist, the nursery should be a bit softer and cuter. There’s kids’ furniture and lamps that really differ from those for adults and today we gonna make a couple of awesome lamps for...
This lantern by is amazing due to the cute star effect, and it’ll be awesome both for adults and kids. Prepare a DIY paper lantern template, card stock, a precision knife, a hot glue gun, 4 18″ floral wire stems, 18-gauge, single socket cord, a low watt bulb. Download the DIY paper lantern template...
As I already told you, marble items are extremely popular for décor, and today we are sharing a faux marble lamp from AJoyfulRiot blog. The supplies are wood plaque, a lamp kit, a light bulb, a drill, a cardboard tube, acrylic bumpers, a screwdriver, marble contact paper and super glue. Take the cardboard tube and...