This great grass filled basket will be perfect for Easter or spring décor. The supplies are 1 package of rye grass, 1 basket, a garbage bag or other plastic to line the basket, soil, moss. Line your basket with plastic then fill it with soil. Trim the plastic so it’s level with the soil or...
Do you remember running around the backyard as a kid, Easter basket in hand, scouring the nooks and crannies for hidden eggs? If you want to go back to childhood or just make a surprise for your kids, let’s create these cute speckled eggshell baskets. You’ll need white card, scissors, double-sided tape or glue, a...
Continuing the theme of Easter décor, we’d like to tell you about fabric Easter baskets for eggs, chocolate bunnies and other pieces. You can’t even imagine how different these baskets may be! From just folding fabric to transforming a doily into a basket! If you are good at crocheting or knitting, then you can easily...
Baskets with eggs or rabbits are the most traditional Easter decoration or gift. I’m sure that you know many ideas how to dye or decorate Easter eggs but what about baskets? Paper or cardboard is the most common material to make such a basket as everyone has it at hand and it’s not difficult to...
Getting ready for Easter? Thinking of table settings, dishes and decorations? Here’s a brilliant idea to add fun to your space and table – bunny crafts! Easter bunny traditionally brings presents to everybody and that’s why it’s one of the symbols of this holiday. We’ve gathered some cool bunny-inspired crafts for you to make this...
Getting ready for Easter? Looking for an original but not difficult in making basket? Why not make such a piece of grocery bags? The supplies are paper bags, scissors, a ruler and a pencil, hot glu gun and clothes pins. Cut the bags into strips, fold each strips into thirds, weave the strips, hot glue...
What are pretty and simple Easter decorations that you can make yourself without spending much time? Paper Easter basket of floral wire – just twist and wrap it into a nest; a home garden on the window sill, framed Easter postcards as decorations. You can take some quail eggs and glue them onto pieces of...
Easter is coming soon and we are already getting ready for this cute holiday. DIY decorations make it even even nicer. Let’s make a DIY basket for eggs. You’ll need 1 honey bun of your choice (featured is “Swanky” but another cute softer option would be aviary by 3 sisters), 1 package of piping (6yards),...