Sometimes we work too hard and it’s so depressive and so hard to keep calm. Zen gardens are here to help you! Looking at them or grabbing the sand will help you to stay calm and relaxed yet taking just several minutes. You needn’t buy or organize a zen space in your garden, a mini...
Do you like mini river rock fire bowls that Restoration Hardware was selling a while back? If so, then you can make similar bowls by yourself. That is easy process but the result is really impressive. For the project you’ll need: Sakrete Quickset Concrete, a bunch of river rocks, a plastic bowl, a large canned...
Do you like zen-like compositions that are quite popular in gift shops nowadays? If so then you should know that such composition isn’t hard to make by yourself. Besides, you even can make a cool display table for it as easy as this composition. Here is a small tutorial, that will help you. Materials: Candles...