This stylish five minute wall clock is made of a paper plate. The cool thing is that the project is so simple that you can change the plate as often as you like to have a fresh hit of color in your interior. Besides the plate you’ll also need a clock movement kit but they...
If you have an old wall clock you don’t like anymore and want to have some Spooktacular fun with it they make a cool wall decoration from them. To spookify a clok you’ll need some webs (you can make them using silhouette machine or simply draw them), glitter spiders, and white spray paint. Instructions Spray...
Here is a perfect handmade gift for your friends or a nice rustic decoration for your home. This wooden wall clock takes minimal tools and materials to make. You just need a good looking wood slice a clock mechanism, clock hands, a drill and a wood burning tool. You can also use some paint to...
A price tag for rustic-looking wall clocks is usually not as good as you want it to be. Although DIY version of such clocks won’t cost you much. You can make them from virtually any wood pieces. For example you can use pallets, old fences, wood pieces from old walls and so on. Besides them...
There are many creative ways to display photos of your family. Making a wall clock decorated with such photos is one of them. It’s also a practical one. The process is quite simple. Cut a circle from 6mm MDF, spray paint it and secure the photos using spray adhesive. Hang the clock on the wall...
This simple project won’t cost you much. Although your kid would definitely happy to have such cool colorful wall clock at his or her bedroom. For the project you’ll need 12 used color markers, a plastic box, a drill with drill bits, a tape, a pencil, a small clock mechanism and a pair of pliers....
This awesome antique looking wall clock is made by Cyndy from The Creativity Exchange when she saw similar looking clock in Sharon and Ozzy Osborn’s living room. Even though the project is quite hard and time consuming it seems the result worth the time. Cyndy had found an image of an antique New Orleans wall...
The DIY retro star burst wall clock is great but if you’re more into sewed stuff then this one you’ll like even more. Using some threads in different colors and knitting skills you can easily brighten up a dull wall clock. Check out Retrobaby for instructions.
Here is quite hard yet rewarding crafts project I’ve stumbled on recently. A star burst wall clock made in retro theme to become a great wall decoration of any contemporary interior. You’ll need a bunch of stuff for this project including a lot of different craft paints but only imagine how cool such colorful clock...
In case you want to decorate some of your walls with a large clock and don’t want to spend a lot of money on them you can make them. You can make a really cool and unusual wall clock only for about $30. For the project you’ll need a clock mechanism, clock hands, original wood...