9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

9 Simple And Smart DIY IKEA VITTSJÖ Shelving Unit Makeovers

IKEA VITTSJÖ shelving unit is made from tempered glass and metal, which are durable materials that provide an open, airy feel. It can be enough storage for a limited space or the foundation for a larger storage solution if you need change. Adjustable feet for stability on uneven floors. You can select the look you... 
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DIY Chunky Stained Wooden Shelves

DIY Chunky Stained Wooden Shelves

DIY Chunky Stained Wooden Shelves

Need a couple of simple wooden shelves for some little nook? Read this tutorial from BeckhamAndBelle blog! The supplies are 1 1″x4″x6′- for front of shelf, 1 1″x3″x6′ – for support sides, 1 2’x4’x1/4″ plywood – for top and bottom of shelf. Cut a 2-foot piece off of the 1″x4″. Measure the depth of the... 
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