You may ask: why are patchwork pieces so awesome? I’ll answer: first, they are colorful and vivacious, second, you give a new life to old fabrics and clothes, third, they are rather easy to make even if you don’t have sewing skills. That’s why today I decided to attract your attention to the patchwork quilts,...
Spring is not only time of sunlight, birds and green bulbs, it’s also the time of gardening. I know that you, garden fans, are already preparing seeds to start, and I’ve rounded some cool seed starters special for you. The easiest and very Easter-like idea is to take empty egg shells, fill them with soil...
We’ve just told you of cool spring placemats for special occasions and not only, and here’s one more idea that wasn’t included in the list. To make these birch placemats you’ll need birch or other type of tree branch, a miter saw or small handsaw, a ruler, burlap, 1 yard, scissors and hot glue. Use...
These cute emotional magnets are a fun way to get kids to express their ever changing emotions and mood swings! They make a cute toy you can easily pack on the go or hang up on the fridge or magnet board for play. You can also make them for yourselves as they are a fun...
First fresh spring flowers will appear soon but you can make a couple of your own ones even now! They will be different and really cheap, won’t wither and will look gorgeous all year round. We’ve rounded up cool and easy tutorials to make various paper flowers. Crepe or any other colorful paper is the...
A trivet is always necessary to save your furniture from spoiling, so let’s have a look at this one, that Prettyprudent blog shared with us. It’s really cool and natural-looking due to the pebbles on the top. You’ll need cork trivets, black river pebbles (or any others you got) and E6000® craft adhesive. Glue the...
Remember that cool T-shirt mat that we’ve told you about? Today we are sharing a similar idea thanks to the wonderforest blog. The supplies are a variety of jersey t-shirts and/or tank tops, scissors and a rotary cutter. Cut your t-shirts into 1.5″ strips along the width of the body. This goes much quicker if...
A Valentine card is a great idea for the coming romantic holiday, it can be given with your gift or separately, or become a hint for someone whom you like a lot. We’ve already told you of some cards to make but this bunch is different: no printables, just super original pieces. They are decorated...
I love painting tableware projects because painted tableware make the food and meal itself really special. These dreamy DIY side plates are decorated with a splash of watercolor and really look like silk swirling underwater! The supplies are plates, porcelain paint, a paintbrush and water. Dip your paint brush into the paint. Don’t be scared...
The year has begun and everyone has changed their day planners, and if you don’t like your new one, you can easily change it into a cool piece. The supplies are a day planner, used leather coat or purse. Remove the ugly cover from the day planner. Just pull it off of the rings. Lay...