Chandeliers with bubbles are popular today, many designers present their variants. Now you can make one, too. The supplies are clear holiday ornaments, silver & gold pre-holed sequins, clear jewelry line or fishing line, lamp shade frame or a wire plant basket; light colored, heavy duty thread, scissors, wire and wire cutters, a ribbon, a...
If you scratched your laptop and don’t know what to do, here’s an idea how to renovate it easily so that it would look cool. You’ll need a piece of contact paper a little larger than your actual laptop, scissors, an X-acto knife. Cut out a piece of contact paper a little larger than your...
The most romantic and melancholically sweet season has come. Decorate your mantel and fireplace according to fall’s spirit! There is plenty of ideas that you can easily realize without wasting much money. The simplest idea is to use fruit and vegetables for decoration, faux are better because they won’t rot, take nuts and chestnuts also....
We have already told you how to make heart-shaped soap for Valentine’s Day, now here’s a tutorial of super natural and useful homemade soap, which is especially cool for dry skin. You’ll need 2 mixing bowls, a cake mixer or a blender, a thermometer, scale and a rubber spatula, several measuring cups and spoons, a...
The Big Bang Theory is a popular that many of us like to watch because it’s funny, witty and cool. If you want to have something with the symbolics of the favorite series, you may take mugs. You’ll need some mugs of the color you prefer, a sheet of carbon paper, ceramic paint. Take an...
We have already told you of many ideas how to make a cool diy cupcake stand but that one is so simple that you won’t waste much time on it. You’ll need a plastic or acrylic plate, a coordinating cup, E-6000 Craft Adhesive, some acrylic craft paint – if you like. Paint the cup with...
Yammy potholders for your kitchen! Let’s make them look as real pies! You’ll need fat quarter of fruit fabric, about 1 yard of crust-colored fabric, Insulbrite insulating fabric, Steam-a-Seam Two. Take some piece with a diameter of about 9 inches and cut out two backing circles from crust-colored fabric, two tops from the fruit fabric,...
The school year has started and if your kid needs a simple DIY pencil holder, this tutorial is for you. You’ll need some glue, a paint brush, twine, some acrylic paint and a cylindrical container. Apply some glue at the base of the container. Glue the end of the twine to the container. Continue to...
Autumn is close, it’s getting colder, the leaves are changing their colors to red and yellow, and it’s time to use the gifts of autumn for your crafts. Here’s an idea how to use some acorns in your jewelry to highlight the coming season. You’ll need some acorns, colorful nail polish, beads and scissors. The...
If you are keen on taking photos, you definitely know that photo portraits without a diffuser are not so good as with it. Let’s make one ourselves. The supplies are a camera with a pop-up flash, a white film canister, a sharp craft knife, a permanent marker, a little tiny ball of sticky tack. Begin...