Your dog deserves the best! And of course if you want your pet to be healthy and cheerful, you should not only give the usual dog food but also natural products you eat. And you can make delicious treats for your dogs for them to enjoy the products that they usually don’t like but which...
We continue telling you of pet-friendly crafts because it’s important to make their life easier and happier, too. Do you like to play with your dog? Even if you don’t have much time to play with it, dogs love running and playing. That’s why we’ll make some cute dog toys today, various and funny. The...
College years are cool and full of fun! That’s why many of us don’t think of graduation but when it’s time to wear a cap flask, enjoy it! But do you have such a flask ready? If you don’t, let’s make it, you’ll need some simple tools, velcro, bobby pins, and booze. Just pop off...
Have you spent a fantastic holiday? Would you like to remember of those sunny days for long? You need a great photo frame that would display your photos well and hint on your holiday time. Let’s make some pretty beachy photo frames! A great idea is a frame with clothes pins for your photos; a...
Closet dividers are convenient for those who have lots of clothes and need to keep it in order, especially it’s important for kids. You can make some clothes dividers yourself to help you and your kids differentiate the things. Foam sheets, scrapbook paper, cardboard, wood, old CDs – it’s only a part of the list...
Wanna make your home bar look exquisite? Let’s make cool tops for your bottles, you’ll need cork-topped glass bottles, marbles, gold jewelry wire, straight pin, glue. Coil a piece of jewelry wire about 10 times in a circle just about the same size as your marbles. Wrap one end of the wire around the coil...
This idea is perfect for a party, it’s kind of invitation for your friends. The supplies are a printer, brown paper bags, ball game invitation download, and semi sticky tape. Tape your brown paper bag in the center of your printer paper and print your invitations – make sure that you put the right side...
A pergola in your garden gives you an opportunity to relax in the natural background and enjoy fresh air, sunlight and birds singing. A pergola is perfect for meals outdoors, for a date outside or for kids to play. We’ve found for you some ideas how to build an outdoor pergola easily, without spending too...
Let’s make a cool gift for those who love crafting – a leather handle box where a person can store anything he or she needs. The supplies are 1 natural finish box, masking tape, a brush, paint, scissors, leather belt or thick scrap, upholstery tacks, a hammer. Put the masking tape onto the box and...
We continue telling you of some pretty clothes that you can make yourself just having some skills. This time we’d like to tell you about dresses as every girl knows that a dress a necessary part of her closet. Think of materials and techniques you’d like to use – you may crochet, knit or sew...