Summer is season of bold colors, sunlight and aromas! We want bright colors everywhere, including the smallest accessories, and your headphones are no exception. Make a bright accessory for this summer! There are some easy ways to do that, and the first one is painting them. Here you needn’t any paint, the best idea is...
Every girl needs a jewelry pouch but if you are bad at sewing, I guess, you have a problem with it. This tutorial requires no fuss and no sewing skills, so prepare leather, Crop-A-Dile hole punch, scrapbooking eyelets, thin ribbon, sharp scissors, a bowl, a charm or bead and a pen. The easiest way to...
If you are renovating an old furniture piece, we have a cool idea of what to use instead of hardware. A cool leather pull! You’ll need an old leather belt, a utility knife, a screwdriver, a power drill, a Chicago bolt with matching screw of choice. With your utility knife cut the length of leather...
Do you have spare tennis balls? Ready to turn them into fun and practical purses? You’ll need a tennis ball, felt, a pen knife, scissors and glue. Cut open the ball somewhere around the U-shape curvy point with your pen knife, about 2 cm high. When you think you have cut deep enough, just squeeze...
Do your earbuds often tangle? Then you need a cool earbud holder to avoid it! The supplies are scrap leather, a multi-hole leather punch, scissors, 7 mm screw back studs. Fold your leather piece in half and cut a triangle shape. When you open the piece you will have a diamond shape. Using your largest...
If you don’t have enough space for storage, some floating shelves would be ideal for your home. To hide the objects you want to store you can make a floating credenza! Prepare 5/8″ thick sheet of good one side veneered plywood, edge tape, old iron, edge tape cutting tool, stain , varnish, a brush and...
A dreamcatcher comes from native American cultures, it’s a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. Then it’s decorated with sacred items such as feathers and beads. They say that dreamcatchers would filter out all bad dreams and only allow good thoughts to enter our mind,...
If you have just come from your beach vacation or are going to have one, extend your impressions and memories making a vacation memory jar. For an easy piece, take some sand or shells and urchins and put them into the jar or vase of your choice – or you can put them together into...
It’s so warm and comfy outdoors that I just can’t stay indoors! Patios, terraces, gardens and all places like that invite to spend time there. To get more privacy, to escape from the commonness you can put a tent in the middle of your garden – it’s a great place to lie, dream or read...
Etching bottles can make them cool and eye-catching, they are great for any table and party. So let’s take a couple of bottle that you don’t need and sticky back plastic, a stencil design, washi tape, a craft mat and knife, etching cream and a stencil brush. Use your craft knife and a firm pressure...