If you have a couple of photo frames and want to get something original, there’s a way! Prepare natural wood frames, a wood burning tool, pliers, a metal ruler and a pencil. To create a polka-dot effect, use the standard round attachment that comes with your wood burning kit. You can freehand your design or...
We’ve seen many concrete pieces – planters, stools, tables and so on but a picture frame? So unexpected! Such design can be very eye-catching, especially if you take some picture with nature. Let’s take pourable concrete mix, cardboard or cereal boxes for making molds, plastic containers to mix concrete, plastic bags for curing concrete, an...
How can you make a picture frame easily without spending much time and money? All you need for the project is picture frame with flat sides, Modge Podge, a paintbrush, yarn of the colors you like and scissors. Take the frame’s back out and apply Modge Podge in small sections so it doesn’t dry out...
Vintage things are very fashionable and look cool. Such a photo frame with black and white photos would raise your spirits every day. The supplies are: a bare wood frame, two 8×10 black and white photos, DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paint in Snow (Titanium) White, a sponge brush, steel wool, Sticky Tak and some Washi Tape....
If you’re bored with standard picture frames and have a jig saw lying around you can try this project out. In the result you’ll get a stylish funky picture frame you can use for your favorite photo. The process is simple but you need to have a piece of MDF and be handy with the...