If you like to spend time outdoors, in your patio and garden, make some cool furniture for outdoors to make your time there more pleasant. A table and a chair are necessary for each patio to enjoy some meal, why not make a pair of a boxspring? An ottoman or a paper would be a...
This isn’t the first DIY patio table with mini succulent garden we covers. Although it’s very cute and cheap to make so I can’t pass it by. The table is almost free to make because you can use wood pallets for it. The cool thing about using them is that the table is going to...
An old shipping crate is a great material for many projects. For example you can make a nice patio side table from it and some other wood scraps lying around your house. Matti and Megan from Far Out Flora has managed to make such table with built-in succulent centerpiece. The succulent centerpiece is located in...
This relatively old patio table was renovated by a creative owner of Metal And Mud blog. The table’s frame was painted with Valspar “Mediterranean” spray paint. The table’s top was covered with a piece of vinyl tablecloth fabric. The process is simple yet the result is really nice looking.