7 Simple DIY Flower Beds

7 Simple DIY Flower Beds

7 Simple DIY Flower Beds

We’ve told you of some cool outdoor projects that would make your garden and patio comfortable for relaxation. This time we’ll tell you about flower beds because not all plants may be planted in pots. There are several ways to make borders like thrift store plates, river rocks, cast concrete blocks and so on. You... 
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11 Various DIY Outdoor Ovens

11 Various DIY Outdoor Ovens

11 Various DIY Outdoor Ovens

Outdoor meals are amazing! What can be better than gathering together with your family in the garden and cooking something like a barbecue or a pizza? You can communicate not only during the meal but also cooking together. For this you’ll need an outdoor oven, and this piece you can build yourself without any problems.... 
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DIY Modern Outdoor Planter Wall

DIY Modern Outdoor Planter Wall

DIY Modern Outdoor Planter Wall

When it comes to outdoors it’s hard to find complex planters for many plants. This modern planter wall is awesome solution to install in a small back patio or on a deck. Annette over at Pot-ted, a nursery and patioscaping company, built it during one of her projects. The process of making such wall is... 
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