DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

This beautiful night light will be ideal for any bedroom, prepare liquid fusion, square glass block, 1×4″ oak board, 1/4×1″ pine lath, 1/2″ diameter PVC x 2 1/4 inches long, 13/16″ wood bit, #8 x 1 1/4″ screws, 1 1/4″ finishing brads, 1/8″ diamond bit & chisel, a sponge and water, cordless drill and candle... 
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Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage DIY Arrow Marquee Lights

Vintage marquee lights became quite popular nowadays because it’s a cool piece for interior decoration and highlighting something. The supplies are a strand of globe lights, plywood, a 6-inch wide aluminum flashing, a jigsaw, a drill, tin snips, screws, a wire stripper, electrical tape, a screw cap and protective gloves. Draw the arrow shape on... 
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