DIY Bright Cozy Crocheted Lamp

DIY Bright Cozy Crocheted Lamp

DIY Bright Cozy Crocheted Lamp

Crocheted pieces are extremely cozy and comfortable – right what we need on these cold days! Let’s make a crocheted lamp, the supplies are cable, a lampholder, a small screwdriver for the lampholder, tricotin (take some contrasting color), wool and a small crochet. Pass the cable through the middle and start crocheting like usual, and... 
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Unusual DIY Lamp Of Paper Cups

Unusual DIY Lamp Of Paper Cups

Unusual DIY Lamp Of Paper Cups

This cool unusual lamp is made of usual paper cups! The other supplies are a round lampshade and a hot glue gun.  First, build the lampshade to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the hot glue gun carrying the glue on the bottom of each paper cup. Then press the paper cup firmly to the lampshade. Start... 
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DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

This beautiful night light will be ideal for any bedroom, prepare liquid fusion, square glass block, 1×4″ oak board, 1/4×1″ pine lath, 1/2″ diameter PVC x 2 1/4 inches long, 13/16″ wood bit, #8 x 1 1/4″ screws, 1 1/4″ finishing brads, 1/8″ diamond bit & chisel, a sponge and water, cordless drill and candle... 
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