DIY Lampshade Of Paint Sticks

DIY Lampshade Of Paint Sticks

DIY Lampshade Of Paint Sticks

I’ve already showed you how to make a cool sunburst mirror of a bunch of paint sticks. It isn’t the only thing you can make of it. For example you can make a lampshade from about 50 paint sticks and a simple cheap lampshade frame using hot glue and stain. The cool things about such... 
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DIY Pendant Lights Of Tin Cans

DIY Pendant Lights Of Tin Cans

DIY Pendant Lights Of Tin Cans

You can make a lot of useful things from old tin cans. For example you can make cool pendant lights to hang above your dining table. Large cans that hold vegetables are perfect for the project. Drill a hole in the bottom of each can for the wire. Insert the wire. Put a light socket... 
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DIY Silverware Lamp

DIY Silverware Lamp

DIY Silverware Lamp

Normally when you think of silverware, you consider them to be used as eating utensils. Although it can be used other way. It can become a material to make a cool lampshade for a tabletop lamp. You can use as those silverware pieces that you want to throw away as those that people presented to... 
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DIY Cute Flowers Lampshade

DIY Cute Flowers Lampshade

DIY Cute Flowers Lampshade

Pink accessories are usually quite trendy and looks chic. They are perfect as for kids as for adult rooms. You probably saw these cool tabletop lamps among Pottery Barn Kids products. Floral motifs can add some sweet style to any space but the price for such lamp is $99. Laura from The James Junk has... 
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