During the summer we often spend time by the water and if you love jumping into pools, lakes or rivers, then you need to protect your phone from water splashes. This splash proof case from polkadotchair.com is right what you need! The supplies are two 5″ x 8″ pieces of vinyl, 7″ zipper, bias tape,...
Wanna make your phone more original? Make this applique from enthrallinggumption.com! You’ll need an applique, glue, a clear iphone case, a tassel. Align your applique in a way you desire before hand. Then go ahead apply a generous amount of super glue to the applique and place it over the case all at once. Then...
It’s spring and your phone needs upgrading accordingly! Why not make a new spring-inspired cover for it? Each girl loves flowers, so why not take them for the phone cover? Save some petals of your favorite flowers and attach them to the phone case. Watercolor is trendy, so give your phone a watercolor look in...
There are so many variants for iPhone cover – from petals cover to googly eyes. Today we’ll make some colorful covers for any taste. You’ll need a transparent iPhone cover case, a pencil, scissors, and patterned paper. Turn the patterned paper over. Place the handphone over the area that you would like to cut out...
This romantic phone cover will be great for any girl! You’ll need rose petals and a clear plastic phone cover. When your boyfriend or husband gives you roses, just save some petals for this craft. Place them in a thick and heavy book and let them dry. Get a clear phone cover and place the...
iPhone is such a popular thing today that there are so many covers, cases and patterns to decorate it. Here’s another one – Aztec pattern. You’ll need an assortment of permanent markers, white iPhone case, a ruler and a pencil. Find a print you would like to replicate; on the case draw the center lines...
Those of you who like to personalize your favorite devices know that covers and skins could be quite expensive. In order to minimize your expenses and show your creativity you can make a cover by yourself. We’ve gathered for you a bunch of tutorials showing how to make such cover for an iPhone. Although some...