How To Decorate Planters With Self-Adhesive Shelf Liner

How To Decorate Planters With Self-Adhesive Shelf Liner

How To Decorate Planters With Self-Adhesive Shelf Liner

How can you easily decorate simple planters? We’ve told you about many ideas, and here’s one more. You’ll need planters, self-adhesive shelf liner, scissors and X-acto knife. Following the design, cut shelf liner strips and attach them to the planter from below the rim all the way to the bottom. Overlapped the strips of shelf... 
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DIY Winterized Felt Planter

DIY Winterized Felt Planter

DIY Winterized Felt Planter

When it’s so cold outside, we want to get warm and winterize everything. Let’s dress our plants! You’ll need some felt, about 40×40 cm, needle and thread. Print the template and cut it out. Draw it on the felt and cut the felt according to the drawings. You’ll get kind of petals of felt. Arise... 
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DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY cement plantes are great to use as outdoors as indoors. They are quite unusual and looks really modern. Besides they also aren’t hard to make. For the project you’ll need several tupperware containers of the size and shape that you want your future planters to be, 1 tub Sakrete Fast Setting Cement Patcher, a... 
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