Need a couple of apples for fall decor? Make these ones from wood! Prepare wood blocks cut from a 2×4, acrylic paint, glue, twigs, colored twine, sand paper. Prepare the wood and cut the branches for little apple stems. Sand off the rough edges, and glue the stems to the wood blocks with a little...
Yarn is a great material for various crafts, it’s very affordable and easy to work with. Make a fall wreath using yarn, it will look not super natural but still very bright and original. Take the yarn you like and wrap the wrap form, this is so easy that you can invite your kids to...
This simple DIY is a great way to use your citruses and get a pleasant and stylish piece for decor, which is also very original. For this citrus mobile you’ll need your choice of citrus fruit, a paper towel, baking paper, a sharp knife and baking sheets. Preheat your oven to 120 degrees Celsius and...
Making an accent wall is a super cool trend to make your space more eye-catching. Today we are sharing an awesome tutorial from to make a Dalmatian print fabric wall. Prepare a paint tray, a paint roller, fabric, an exacto or utility knife, a sponge, drop cloth, painters tape or tacks, scissors and liquid...
This moon-inspired wall art is great or making yourself or even with your kids to spend a good time together. The supplies are a sheet of paper, some fabric, a sponge, water, watercolor paints, fabric, glue and a piece of wood to hang it. Print the moon using your computer and then transfer it onto...
Getting ready for your big day? Make this wedding date art for décor! You’ll need 36″ x 48″ canvas, wooden letters, acrylic paint, a foam brush, 3 cans of satin white spray paint, E-6000 glue, canned air, 180 grit sanding sponge, 320 grit finishing sandpaper, paper towels, tape measure, a ruler, a pencil, a level,...
Even a switch plate can be original! Doubting? Here’s a tutorial from to convince you! The supplies are an unfinished wood switch plate, a wood burner, graphite paper, an image you want to burn, a pencil and tape. Resize and print out your line drawing to fit the switch plate. Place the graphite paper...
Everybody loves strawberries, they are just fantastic! Summer is real strawberry time because we can get or even grow fresh berries without a problem and enjoy them every day. If you want to apply this cute berry pattern to your home décor, summer is the best time to do that, and I’m sure that everyone...
Driftwood is the cheapest craft material ever because it can be found on the seashore; using it for crafts is a very eco-friendly idea, kind of recycling and not wasting the wood. Today we gonna inspire you with cool driftwood garlands and mobiles to bring some sea spirit to your home. Making a driftwood mobile...
This plastic deer head with antlers will give rustic or woodland décor to any space but you’ll need to stylize it a bit with this cool tutorial from A plastic deer head requires a lot of paint: at least one can of spray paint. There are tons of grooves, holes and crevises that make...