DIY Creepy Flowers for Halloween

DIY Creepy Flowers for Halloween

DIY Creepy Flowers for Halloween

Forbidding Flowers could become an awesome indoor decoration or a present for Halloween. The floral arrangement is covered with creepy cobwebs and is very easy to make. Here is a very small and easy to do tutorial discovered by Martha Stewart’s stuff. Materials: Inexpensive or damaged white panty hose Scissors Flowers Instructions: Cut a 5-inch... 
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DIY Batty Halloween Centerpiece

DIY Batty Halloween Centerpiece

DIY Batty Halloween Centerpiece

If you want to make an eye-catching tabletop accessory then you came into the right place. This awesome stand will bring bats into the light of your home. The bats are made of paper and they perch atop gnarled branches. Materials: Florist’s Oasis Serrated knife Flowerpot or urn Large dry branch Spanish moss Bat template... 
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